Thursday, July 12, 2012

...And of course, some celebration

With the finish line in sight, the muralists of the P.S. 56 Artists & Neighbors Collaborative took an evening to gather, relax, and enjoy some GUMBO! (Thanks to Christopher Schoolfield for the Gumbo).

Almost Finished!

After a week (and two weekends) of painting all day every day, we are taking a break before the mural is completely finished. Take a look at some of the most recent additions, including stories and poetry by third grade muralists.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

School is over...but the painting continues!

Weekend Days = Painting Days!

On Saturday, June 30th, the mural painting continued...

Our Interns received their certificates of completion. Thank you Jonell, Cydnee, Chriss, Aziza, and Jerae!

Thank You Third Grade Muralists!!

Monday, June 25th was the last day with our third grade muralists. The mural is made up of drawings, poetry, and stories by the students in the third grade. Additional images in the mural are taken from photographs of the same students.

Some students found their drawings on the wall.

The painting continues...

The skies blessed us again with sunshine on Sunday, June 24th. Check out our progress!