Saturday, May 26, 2012

PS 56 Family Fun Day

On Saturday, May 19th, the PS 56 Artists & Neighbors Collaborative celebrated with the entire school community at the PS 56 Family Fun Day. We set up a table by the Gates Avenue wall where students, families, neighbors, and teachers joined us in coming up with ideas for the new mural. Check out some of the action and the artwork!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Don't forget to "like" us on Facebook

Second Community Art Event - This Saturday, May 19th

Join the PS 56 Artists & Neighbors Collaborative as we celebrate the entire PS 56 Community!

We will have a mural design table where you can paint, draw, and imagine what will go on the wall!

We started our in-school sessions this week!

Artwork from the first session with the Third Grade: "Mapping our Days"